Monday, October 15, 2018

Blue Squire Stage Directions

Big Ring
Collect RINGS that fall from the Rack. Collect LANCE and RINGS from BLUE KNIGHT. Take ALL RINGS BACKSTAGE.

Go to BLUE CORNER. Catch FLAGS from KNIGHTS. Swap necessary FLAGS with YELLOW SQUIRE afterwards. Put FLAGS back.

Retrieve JAVELINS from BLUE CORNER. Hand out to KNIGHTS. WAIT in Blue CORNER. Retrieve JAVELINS from opposite end after GREEN KNIGHT finishes, and PUT AWAY.

Little Ring
Retrieve LANCES from BLUE CORNER and hand out to KNIGHTS. Check for FOOLS in FRONT ROW. WAIT at LITTLE RING RACK, then go to MIDDLE of arena. Bring RACK DOWN if RING comes down, then put it UP after R/Y puts in new RING. Retrieve BLUE and GREEN KNIGHT’S RINGS afterwards. Reroll RINGS with R/Y SQUIRE. EXIT ARENA.

1st fight Small Bola (R/Y, Red)
Pawn: Middle Black. When YELLOW KNIGHT rides by, wait by MIDDLE BLACK RAIL. CARRY RAIL when R/Y KNIGHT passes YOU (nod to signal other SQUIRES). After FIRST PASS grab R/Y LANCE or WOODEN TIPS, then same on SECOND PASS. Carry RAIL back when MC says “DISMOUNT”. Bring MIDDLE BLACK PAWN to GREEN CORNER. Carry any equipment backstage. Go to LIGHT HORSE RAIL.

2nd fight Mace (B/W, Blue)
Pawn: Light horse rail. Run rail on nod. On first pass, reequip B/W KNIGHT with NEW LANCE. On SECOND PASS, wait by the WEAPON RACK. When BLUE KNIGHT falls off of his horse, grab a MANDOBLE. Go to him on the ground to see if he’s okay, then give him the MANDOBLE while taking his HELMET. Bring the HELMET somewhere in GREEN CORNER (give to a SQUIRE if possible). When BLUE KNIGHT dies, B/W KNIGHT will grab BLUE KNIGHT. When the dialogue finishes, B/W KNIGHT will throw BLUE KNIGHT. Go to BLUE KNIGHT’s side on one knee looking down. When BLUE KNIGHT exits, grab his MANDOBLE from the ground and put it back on the wall. Go to HEAVY HORSE RAIL.

3rd fight Ax (Green, Yellow)
Pawn: Heavy horse rail. On first pass, grab YELLOW KNIGHT’S DISCARDED LANCE/TIPS. On SECOND PASS, when the MC says, “HE IS UNHORSED”, run HEAVY HORSE RAIL and HEAVY HORSE HEAD back. Wait by the tunnel for YELLOW HORSE to ride through. Then bring any equipment backstage. Go and wait in RED CORNER.

4th fight Mandoble (Yellow, R/Y)
Sit and wait. After YELLOW KNIGHT dies, wait by RED CORNER LANCE RACK.

5th fight Double Sword (Red, Blue)
Pawn: None. After FIRST PASS, give LANCE to RED KNIGHT then immediately go to the RUNDOWN SHIELD on the opposite wall. When BLUE KNIGHT FALLS, give him the RUNDOWN SHIELD. After the RUNDOWN, when the MC says, “DISMOUNT”, retrieve BLUE KNIGHT’S HELMET and RUNDOWN SHIELD. Put them on the wall then immediately give BLUE KNIGHT DOUBLE ESPADAS. When RED KNIGHT dies, grab a MANDOBLE and wait in R/Y SECTION.

6th fight Sword & Shield (Blue, B/W)
When BLUE KNIGHT throws his ESPADA into the sand, run to him and give him the
MANDOBLE. B/W KNIGHT will run out and there will be a dialogue. When BLUE KNIGHT says, “I ACCEPT”, grab BLUE FIGHT SHIELD and an ESPADA and bring it to BLUE KNIGHT, and take his MANDOBLE. Put it back on the wall. When BLUE KNIGHT dies, take him on your shoulder and take him backstage. Wait by B/W SQUIRE and B/W HORSE.

7th fight Big Bola (B/W, R/Y)
hen B/W SQUIRE runs out with his horse, follow behind. Take B/W KNIGHT’S FIGHT SHIELD and ESPADA, along with the SLAP GLOVE backstage. Once they’re put away backstage, go to RED CORNER and just lend a hand.

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